These titles can be found in or through the Tri County LMC using Destiny Discover.
Make sure to also check out your local library using the links for your town library found on the LMC portal). To read an ebook you need to Log in to Destiny using your Google credentials. |
MLS Commonwealth eBook Collection provides you with ebooks and audio books on Overdrive. You will need to use your school Google credentials to log in.
This title is available in the MLS Commonwealth eBook Collection through Overdrive. You will need to login using your Google credentials.
The Gale Virtual Reference Library provides you with search results as well as the option to know where within the ebooks you will find what you searched for. Search in many ways. Read directly in the eBook or in article view.
This is a link to the Topic Finder results for Teen Mental Health in the Psychology Collection Gale Cengage database. If you need further help using this database please see Mr. Dagan.
This government site is filled with very useful information that is easily accessible and clear to follow. If you need further help using this database please see Mr. Dagan.
* Username and Password can be found on Resources at the LMC on schoology.
Teen Health and Wellness by Rosen provides a simple user experience to getting information . Search the following results for simple clear articles about Mental Health. This is a link to the search result for Teen Mental Health in the Research in Context Gale Cengage database. If you need further help using this database please see Mr. Dagan.
This government site is filled with very useful information that is easily accessible. Make sure to check out all the menus and sections worth exploring. If you need further help using this database please see Mr. Dagan.
This is a link to the search result for Teen Mental Health in the Health Reference Center Academic Gale Cengage database. If you need further help using this database please see Mr. Dagan.
This is a link to the search results for Teen Mental Health in Health and Wellness Resource Center Gale Cengage database. If you need further help with this database please see Mr. Dagan.
Search streaming video content in this online video database by Infobase. It has powerful search tools. If you need additional help with this tool please ask Mr. Dagan.
'This is Normal' is a podcast where young people talk about their own mental health challenges -- and how they got through them. Because when we share our stories, we can all feel a little less alone.
Newsela has many articles relevant to your topic of Mental Health from various news sources. Read the article that interests you at a level that is right for you.
TED - Technology, Education, Design Talks, people, playlists, topics, and events about Mental Health on
This is a link to various episodes on Teen Mental Health from within many podcasts. Scroll to the the ones in the list that are more related with teens.