Encyclopedias - a great place to start getting general information about your topic.
Britannica Search
Begin here to conduct your preliminary search with trusted information. Start with "Young Adult" or "Reference Center".
Britannica Young Adult
Varied tools will give you the option to dig deeper into your topic and allow you to begin branching out and finding additional paths to explore.
Britannica High
My feeling is this site (not to be missed) will become your "go to" location due to the vast amount of quality information just waiting for you to explore.
Annals of American History
A great way to explore the history of the United States through speeches, memoirs, historical accounts, poems, images and other multimedia.
Enrich your understanding of the world by comparing the statistical data of countries such as: economy, military, transportation, communication
and other key information in a snapshot view. Look up extreme differences in tables and charts. |
Enciclopedia Moderna
Seniora Wattengel's students will find this comprehensive Spanish language comprehensive encyclopedia and a valuable resource.