In April I was able to release access to part of a new interactive resource within ItsLearning courses. Currently only 10th grade ELA and student support staff have access to “Resources at the Library Media Center”. The goal was to create a more unified and self-directed guide for students to use rather than an instructional lesson plan to support teacher’s LP as previously available on “Intro the Library Media Center” (which will be hidden and discontinued).
On the main page there are 9 sections that can be explored: (Print media, Audio Media, Visual Media, Digital Media, and Procedures, Using catalogs, Using Databases, Using Search Engines, Tools and Apps).
The specific resource used by the 10th grade was a specific database (Opposing viewpoint in Context). The goal was to provide a multi-step (14 Steps) approach for the students to be able to understand how to utilize this resource and feel comfortable using the resource on their own. Based on feedback from staff working with the students, this approach was well received by both students and staff leading to a very high percentage of this resource being utilized multiple times. |